Hello World!

Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to my crib! Here's where I'm going to write here reviews about anything, literally, anything. Games, books, movies, stuff you ask me to write about. So, let the show begin!



Good mowning!

Well, hello there.This blog is gonna be my personal challenge, and i will accept it. 
This November I'm turning eighteen, so if I will still be writing here untill this time, maybe I will earn some money. It's a double challenge, because I'm writing here in english, which is not my normal language.


I have some plans for my further reviews, but I still need you, guys. Comment my posts, and tell me what should I review. I will take anything that doesn't need to be bought through Steam (unless you buy it to me, lol) and doesn't need very good computer, although I'm willing to change my old machine. :D Anyway, it doesn't mean  I review only games, obviously. As I said, it can be anything. Go on, guys!

First five person which will leave me a proposition of review, will be awarded with a caricature of them which I will draw by myself. I can draw, really! :P
Let the show begin!

Each post will be finished with some song I loved, so tell me what you think about them :3

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